New promising proposals of the MAXIMUM Group
According to the development strategy of Maxima Logistics LLC, priority is given to the maximum utilization of its own rolling stock in long-term and recurring projects on a regular basis.
With regard to the fleet of fitting platforms, this is, first of all, the use of our rolling stock in Accelerated Container Trains. We offer our partners cooperation in the organization of container trains and related "end-to-end" services.
The advantages of this service are: Round-the-clock operation of the terminal, the possibility of using specialized container equipment that we can provide and, most importantly, the departure of the train in accordance with a fixed schedule, which makes it possible to plan in advance the volumes and delivery times.
When organizing new UCP routes, we carry out the following preparatory work on our own, namely: - ensure the availability of the necessary rolling stock and its timely arrival at the point of departure; preparation and provision of specialized container equipment; in addition, by agreement, it is also possible to provide service upon agreement of the train line schedule.
The first such project was a container train Moscow – Krasnoyarsk, launched in June of this year, jointly with Ecodor LLC. Thanks to the joint efforts of LLC Firm "Ecodor" and LLC "Maxima Logistics" in the direction of improving the quality of service, it was possible to achieve an increase in such an efficiency indicator as "repeated customer service" - customer loyalty. As a result, the current occupancy rate of this UCP has reached about 90-95%, which in quantitative terms is 100-110TEU.
In addition, in September of this year, Maxima Logistics LLC, in partnership with Sakhalin Shipping Company, started implementing a new project - the Moscow UCP (Khovrino TLC) - Vladivostok (Ugolnaya station/PIK terminal).
The departure of the first train took place on October 6. At the initial stage, the train departure schedule will be weekly, in the future it is planned to increase the number of train departures to eight trains per month. In total, 300-400 own and attracted 80-foot fitting platforms will be involved in the projects listed above.
Thus, based on these projects, as well as taking into account such factors as the possibility of providing the newest fleet of wagons for loading at the moment, the most professional and experienced dispatcher among all Russian operators and the presence of close /partnership relations with other participants in the operator market, it is safe to say that the number of such projects Maxima Logistics LLC will grow.