New project with SOYUZ BANK (JSC)
Maximum Group of Companies has implemented another project to attract debt financing. In February 2017, Maxima Logistics LLC and SOYUZ Bank signed a loan agreement in the amount of 200 million rubles.
The funds raised will be used to finance the Group's investment activities, as well as to partially refinance the current loan portfolio in order to improve its quality. Briefly about the Bank: "SOYUZ Bank (JSC) was founded in 1993 as ALINA-MOSCOW.
In 1999, the name of the bank was changed to INGOSSTRAKH-SOYUZ JSCB, and in 2003, after joining three banks: Avtogazbank, Sibregionbank and Halyk Savings Bank, the merged bank received the name of SOYUZ JSCB (OJSC).
In 2015, the name of the bank was changed to Bank SOYUZ (JSC). The main shareholder is Ingosstrakh Joint Stock Company (95.86% of shares)."