In the first quarter of 2017, freight turnover on the Russian Railways network showed steady growth, which came as a surprise to most industry experts. So, in January and February 2017, the average daily loading exceeded the same indicators of 2016 by 4.5 – 6.5%. The forecast for March is just as positive.
Obviously, these trends indicate favorable dynamics in the Russian industry and, finally, the revival of domestic demand. The bottom of the crisis has been left behind. In the sphere of container transportation, the increase in volumes was even more noticeable. In 2016, container loading increased by 10% at once, and in the first quarter of 2017 it added another 5%. The number of transit cargoes is also steadily increasing.
The Russian Railways CFTO makes cautious forecasts that in 2017 a historical record will be set in terms of container transportation on the Russian railway network. Against the background of such favorable market trends, Maxima Logistics LLC is proud to announce: we grew faster than the market!
For example, over the past 12 months (preliminary data for the first quarter of 2017 were used), the volume of traffic on our universal platforms has increased by more than 20 %:
1Q. 2016 – 3,250 shipments/ 145 300t.
1Q. 2017 – 3,925 shipments/ 179,600 tons. The main nomenclature of transported goods is machinery, large industrial equipment, rails and lumber. The volume of container traffic has increased by more than a quarter over the same time:
Q1 2016 – 7,025 shipments/ 17,560 teu
Q1 2017 – 7,340 shipments/ 22,000 teu
At the same time, the number of platforms managed by Maxim Logistics has not undergone significant changes. The key to the steady growth of our production indicators is the trust of customers and the high qualification of the company's employees.
By improving the transportation process with the help of modern traffic technologies and IT support, we are able to significantly improve the performance of the useful use of rolling stock.